Vaccines Have Never Been Appropriately Tested for Safety

This information about vaccine safety testing is from a report by Informed Consent Action Network:

The following diagram highlights in yellow each flu shot recommended for injection into children during the 2018-2019 flu season; and each descending line shows the control(s) used to license the vaccine above97:

As the above diagram makes clear, HHS did not rely on a single placebo-controlled trial to license any flu shot HHS recommends for injection into every child over 6 months of age during the upcoming flu season.The above examples demonstrate how HHS licenses vaccines by relying on a pyramid of other vaccines that were each licensed without being properly safety tested in a placebo-controlled trial.

The diagram below highlights in yellow each vaccine HHS’s childhood vaccine schedule lists for routine use (except for influenza vaccines already depicted in the diagram above), and each descending line shows the control(s) used to license the vaccine above:


As is clear, at the bottom of this pyramid there is not a single placebo-controlled trial relied upon to license any vaccine in this pyramid scheme (with the exception of Gardasil-9 in which 306 individuals received a saline injection after three shots of
