Vaccines with Aluminum Cause Autism-Like Symptoms in Spanish Sheep Study

A new study show dramatic effects of vaccines with aluminum adjuvant on a sheep population. All of the vaccine and 92.3% of the adjuvant-only lambs presented injection-site granulomas (an inflammatory tumor response to the pathogen, composed largely of macrophages – white blood cells that travel throughout the body scouring up pathogens – that were loaded with tiny dagger-like shards).

More importantly, however, the sheep injected with vaccines and aluminum displayed behavioral issues:
Vaccine and adjuvant-only groups demonstrated significant changes in the interindividual and intragroup interaction patterns (ie, increase in wool biting and restlessness) as the cumulative number of injections increased. These findings coincide with previous observations on the ovine ASIA syndrome. Treatment groups also showed higher levels of stress biomarkers, and the clinicopathological picture as a whole showed few significant differences between these groups. These results will be published in detail elsewhere.
The sheep also were less social often roaming around apart from the flock and repetitive movements without any reason. A parent of a child with autism may recognize these symptoms.
The conclusion is that vaccines with aluminum and aluminum-only injections cause detrimental effects in sheep including tumor growths at the injection site and erratic, aggressive behavior consistent with the ovine ASIA syndrome.
As we know, aluminum is used in several vaccines however there is no safety study for injected aluminum in vaccines and the CDC seem to be completely apathetic about the adjuvant as seen in this chilling clip from earlier this year:
Here is Del Bigtree’s interview with the author of the study, Lluís Luján, including clips of the sheep’s behavior: