Autopsy of a Pandemic: Review of ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ by Robert Kennedy

COVID-19 will go down in history as one of the most widespread and deadly scams humanity has ever faced. As Robert Kennedy has meticulously documented in “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” the global pharmaceutical-industrial complex created the novel coronavirus, promoted its spread, suppressed its cure, and promoted ineffective therapies in response. It has been an unmitigated crime against humanity and we’re now just starting to wrap our heads around it. The frontman for this debacle is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Despite news still surfacing about the origins and the mutations of the disease, Kennedy did a great job of surveying all aspects of the pandemic, from its origins to the initial successes treating it to the final push by the government health policymakers for ineffective—even harmful treatments such as Remdesivir and the mRNA vaccines.

Kennedy identifies the single personality at the center of it all—consistently antagonizing medical freedom and true health: Fauci. Behind the scenes, Kennedy documents Bill Gates’s involvement in funding and researching vaccines as well as funding studies to discredit competing therapies. He reviews the numerous physician heroes like Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCollough, and Dr. Robert Malone, who have stood up to the Fauci cartel by investigating and promoting effective therapies against the disease (hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the wonder drug ivermectin (IVM), and vitamins D3 and C). These inexpensive preventatives and therapies (explained in the FLCCC protocol) were essentially blocked by Fauci’s health establishment, which instead promoted ineffective and deadly patented drugs like Remdesivir by pharmaceutical companies that stood to make billions from their use.

The book is massive but a necessary volume that reads like lightning for anyone interested in participating in society.

Following the in-depth look at the US medical establishment’s role in the COVID pandemic, Kennedy dives deeper into the pathologies of Big Pharma and Fauci, then takes a close look at Fauci’s involvement in the AIDS epidemic, which may very well have served as a template for the COVID pandemic. He then explores Fauci’s criminal involvement in unethical experimentation in Africa.

The first chapter, broken up into six sections is the most relevant and infuriating, but the last three-fourths of the book explains a great deal about the country’s highest-paid government official. At best, Fauci is criminally incompetent. At worst he is a cold-blooded murder. Either way, if there were any justice, Fauci would be giving his countless interviews from jail going forward.

Chapter list:

  1. Mismanaging a Pandemic
  2. Pharma Profits Over Public Health
  3. The HIV Pandemic Template for Pharma Profiteering
  4. The Pandemic Template – Aifs and AZT
  5. The HIV Heresies
  6. Burning the HIV Heretics
  7. Dr. Fauci, Mr. Hyde – NIAIS’s Barbaric and Illegal Experiments on Children
  8. White Michief – Dr. Fauci’s African Atrocities
  9. The White Man’s Burden
  10. More Harm than Good
  11. Hyping Phony Epidemics – Crying Wold
  12. Germ Games