Doctor Reveals 3 Shocking Facts About the Flu Vaccine

Girl getting flu shotIt’s flu season again and the media and no doubt all of your coworkers are in full propaganda mode. You MUST get your flu shot!

But, before you let that nurse stick dead viruses into your arm, Peter Doshi, Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins, thinks you should know some things about the vaccine. In his article published in the British Medical Journal, he points out several shocking facts:

1. In the US, the first recommendations for annual influenza vaccination were made in 1960.

While the flu vaccine has been around since the 1930s, the practice of getting an annual vaccine wasn’t recommended until 1960, well after major declines in flu mortality. In fact, from the chart, it appears that increased vaccination has not substantially reduced mortality.


2. Benefits to the Flu Vaccine Are Wildly Overstated.

The Center for Disease Control cites two studies in its claim that the flu vaccine saves lives, but the claims in the studies are ridiculous. The studies state that the influenza vaccine leads to a reduction of “27% to 30% for preventing deaths from all causes.” As Doshi points out:

If true, these statistics indicate that influenza vaccines can save more lives than any other single licensed medicine on the planet. Perhaps there is a reason CDC does not shout this from the rooftop: it’s too good to be true. Since at least 2005, non-CDC researchers have pointed out the seeming impossibility that influenza vaccines could be preventing 50% of all deaths from all causes when influenza is estimated to only cause around 5% of all wintertime deaths.

That, of course, is absurd, which is why you don’t hear those numbers, just that the flu vaccine saves lives, a claim for which there is no evidence.

3. Flu Vaccines Are Not Always Safe.

Despite the constant assurances of the safety of the flu vaccine, there have been several documented cases of adverse reactions to vaccinations.

Australia suspended its influenza vaccination program in under five year olds after many (one in every 110 vaccinated) children had febrile convulsions after vaccination. Another serious reaction to influenza vaccines—and also unexpected—occurred in Sweden and Finland, where H1N1 influenza vaccines were associated with a spike in cases of narcolepsy among adolescents (about one in every 55 000 vaccinated). Subsequent investigations by governmental and non-governmental researchers confirmed the vaccine’s role in these serious events.

And that’s on top of the anecdotal evidence you hear annually about people who got the shot and still got the flu. The flu shot contains three or four different strains—the ones the experts think will be the most wide-spread—they don’t guard against all strains.

Whether you decide to inject dead flu virus, chicken eggs, and formaldehyde into your arm or not, you should know the truth and not let propaganda sway your decision.

You can download Doshi’s article here: Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease